Neighborhood Creek Project
The Beargrass Creek Alliance has developed a program to help get our neighbors involved in cleaning up Beargrass. The Neighborhood Creek Project is an education and outreach program that focuses on reducing stormwater by engaging local groups on the issues. The Pledge is a simple way to make changes that matter. From not running your washing machine on a rainy day to planting a rain garden with your neighbor, we can all do something!
If you are interested in being a neighborhood volunteer or hosting a volunteer to speak to your group, please let us know by contacting us at [email protected] or (502) 589-8008.
If you are interested in being a neighborhood volunteer or hosting a volunteer to speak to your group, please let us know by contacting us at [email protected] or (502) 589-8008.
Take the BCA Pledge
The pledge is a simple approach to making small changes that equal real improvements in the health of the creek.nnThe Beargrass Creek Neighborhood Project will be tracking pledges as a way to measure the impact this project will have on our creek. nnThank you for doing your part!